Your preferred picture, or the one of your kid, used as motive to produce a unique painting-by-numbers kit.
Catégory: Special effects and gift ideas
You provide the photo and we do all the rest.
-Your photo (1) is converted to a vectorial drawing(2), made of flat color surfaces. This is the model.
-Each flat color is carefully outlined. This print of thin outlines (3), made on graphic art paper, is easy to paint by the hobby artist.
So is it just about filling empty areas ? Well, would not be of much interest, right ? So it is a bit more...
The young or old hobby artist will learn how to, from the three primary colors (magenta, yellow, cyan), build all colors composing the motive (from 16 to 100).
To assist him with this amazing learning experience, we are providing a color guide specialy made for this purpose.
This guide, explains in a first step, how to create secondary colors (orange, green, violet) by mixing together two primary colors.
Then it shows the result of the mixing of three primary colors (brown gammut and black).
Lastly, our guide explains and demonstrates the concept of complementary colors, allowing the painter to darken easily any color previously build.
Youngest artist will however, probably need support from an adult. The other option is to acquire a larger set of color paint containers. Let's no forget that each picture will be unique and that the complexity will largely depends on the photo used to produce the canvas.
Is included in the kit:
-A color printed model (1). Printed at the same scale and size than the drawing to paint.
-The drawing, ready to paint (3), made of very thin and precise gray outlines, printed on a graphic art paper (180g). Two sizes are available: A5 (default) and A4.
-Our special colors guide
Is not included:
-Brushes, a plastic made palette, a water pot, and paint containers. We recommend to use gouache or watercoloursl. You will need this three colors, at least:
-Lemon yellow or light cadmium yellow(Yellow primary color)
-Ceruleum blue (Cyan primary color)
-Permanent carmin red or magenta (Magenta primary color)
These three primary colors constitue the absolute minimum. It is highly recommended to purchase a set of 10-16 colors to facilitate a bit the exercise.
If you use gouache, a tube of white will be required as well (with aquarelle, the white is provided by the paper itself).
A tube of black is also recommended.
Please indicate the age of the painter. This will help us to define the complexity level and therefore the number of colors to use. You can also define yourself the number of colors (from 16 to 100).