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MyPhotoRescue is happy to announce our new site, Sitolog, dedicated to our Prestashop modules and applications.
MyPhotoRescue site has been migrated to a new host, in order to improve your customer experience.
Version 3.5 of PrestaPricing is provides advanced Excel and CSV import features
AutoPresta, our accounting book for French auto-entrepreneurs, is now compatible with PrestaShop V1.4x
I have received an old photo from The Philippines and I'm searching the owner of it.
CloneQuantityDiscounts is now compatible with Prestashop V1.4x and is renamed CloneSpecificPrices
touching up
touch up
Taxi 3 poster
restore & rescue
price estimation
PS Cumulus Flash tag cloud adapted from the Wordpress original by Roy Tanck requires Flash Player 9 or better. Ported by
Sharing your photos with us:
We accept both original prints (will be send back to you after work), files from digital camera, or prints digitalized by yourself using a scanner, that you upload just before adding a product to your cart.
If you decide to give us a loan of your original prints, we will digitize them at no additional charge, on a high resolution scanner (service offered with all our products). You'll only have to take over the cost of the transportation for sending them back to you.
In such case, always do a safety scan of your photos (or use a camera to shoot them if you do not have a scanner), before posting them.
Use a safe and serious carrier.
To avoid any transportation cost at all, if you own a scanner (a simple "all in one" printer is good enough), the best is to digitize youself your prints and to upload the resulting files when making your order.
VERY IMPORTANT: To allow us to do a quality work, the digitilization must be done properly, follwing our guidelines: "files formats"
To upload one or more files: Use the browsing and uploading tool included within each product description page.Â
Important: Read "files formats" to understand which size and format suit the best your image, for an optimum result.
Supported file formats: Gif, Jpg, Jepg, Pjpeg, Png, X-png.
Are also supported: Tiff, Tif, Bmp, Raw, Psd . For those formats, the image thumtail will be replaced by a simple logo in the cart.
To upload more than one file at a time, please group them into a .zip or .rar compressed file. Do not forget to adjust the quantity parameter accordingly.
1-Press the "Browse" button and point to your file on a local hard disc or memory card. Click on ok.
2-In the field "Comments", include any specific observation, remark or processing requirement about this specific image.
3-Press the "Save" button to upload and save both your file and comments in your order.
Your file will be stored on our server (file name will be encrypted for security reason), until the end of our processing work, and then will be deleted.
4-Select other available options, like "get a print".
5-Be carefull to set the quantity to 1 (customized products added to cart one by one).
6-Only then, press the "Add to cart" button to add this customized product to your cart.
Important: Add to the cart one article for each photo to process (and file to upload). So It mean you have to press "Add to cart" for each file uploaded.
7-Finalize the order (button on the top right corner of the screen, in the "cart" section)
To give us a loan of your original print(s), simply select your options (like "get a print"), set the quantity equal to the number of prints to process, then add the product to your cart. Â
Prints can be send to this address . Do not forget to mention your name and the order reference (the best is to join a paper copy of your order confirmation send to your e-mail inbox).
We'll digitalize your original prints, on a high definition scanner, at no addtional cost.
If the case your order is made of a combo of various processing types, please write down a number on the back of each print and join a table on a piece of paper (column one: product name (ex "light restoration work" )Â - Â Â Column two: prints item number))
Tips: You can also use the field "Comments" to captured the item number of the corresponding photos.
When validating your order, please be careful to select a carrier options which include the carrier cost for the return of your original prints (indeed, the option "send by e-mail" is not appropriate).
CD-Rom option:
By default, the master file of processed photos are send to you by e-mail, in JPEG file format (other format on simple request).
However, we offer the option to get all the files on one CD-Rom.
Simply navigate to the "Options" tab, present on each product description page and add the "All files on a CD-Rom" product to your cart (only once per order !).
Get a print option (on high quality photo paper):
We can make for you a proof print of each processed photos, to any size, up to 1.20x1.80m.
You can choose between three Pigment inks or Argentic photo papers. See here for detailled explanations: Papers and prints selection.
We use exclusively fully color calibrated equipments (scanners, creen, printers).
Warning: The product quantity added to the cart corresponds to the number of photos to process, not to the number of prints. We currently limit the number of prints we can provide, to one copy per photo. This is a courtesy service only.Â
But of course, as you'll get the final master file (JPEG format, again other formats like Tiff are available on simple request) , you can order as many prints as you want, at any online or street photo store or printer).
Big volumes:
If you have a high number of photos to process, contact us to get a quotation.
We can provide a link for faster upload of your files (by ftp).
You can also send to us all your original prints (or files on CD-Rom or DVD-Rom) to this address.
Or lastly, as mentionned above, you can group them into a .zip or .rar compressed file, and upload it. Do not forget to adjust the quantity parameter accordingly.
Thanks for your trust.